salvoador dali museum in st. petersburg
david designed the identity and way-finding for the brand new
salvoador dali museum in st. petersburg, openning january 2011.
david designed the identity and way-finding for the brand new
salvoador dali museum in st. petersburg, openning january 2011.
DC, to play
dc designed armani magazine/catalogue
dc designs for portland mercury, Time based art festival. august 2011.
Hi David, I’m from South Africa and study Information/graphic design. I have always had an interest in typography and the experimental element of it, but ever since I discovered your work, talent and inspirational approach, my eyes have opened!!! wow! thank you for changing the face of typography for the world! I am, without a doubt, one of your new biggest fans!! I am excited to read your books and follow your work! I am inspired. feb.15,2012
David surfs his front yard at Kgbay.
5.10′ Twinzer shaped by larry mabile. foto by sam jones.