davids mini-simmons sits ready in tortola…… jan.09


davids mini-simmons sits ready in tortola…… jan.09



foto: dc’s 09 quiver, jan.09


david test piloting, feb.18.09. 5.10 mini simmons/swift surfboards,
fotos by Graham Gurney

david picks up a 5’4 quad for testing in the carribbean, march 09.foto by r. kenvin

dc + carl ekstrom with some of carl’s new prototypes. (finless) san diego, may 12,2009

note tail and fin placement

DC Named to Most Influential list


DC Named to Most Influential list
Graphic Design USA magazine(NYC) recently listed the “Most influential graphic designers of the era” David was listed as one of the top 5 most influential designers, along with Milton Glaser, Paul Rand, Saul Bass and Massimo Vignelli.









archive: news-0811: david is still finishing up his new book,
also working on projects for the dali museum,
western union, and quiksilver. he has also opened a branch
office with some friends in hermosa beach, under the name ‘spit studio’.
he has a major exhibition in south korea this spring,
and is a speaker at the flash film festival in amsterdam in march.
he speaks in jakarta in may.
see dc talk: http://ted.com/
see obama mag: http://www.creativereview.co.uk/crblog/guardian-gives-shape-to-obamas-words/