davids mini-simmons sits ready in tortola…… jan.09
davids mini-simmons sits ready in tortola…… jan.09
foto: dc’s 09 quiver, jan.09
david test piloting, feb.18.09. 5.10 mini simmons/swift surfboards,
fotos by Graham Gurney
david picks up a 5’4 quad for testing in the carribbean, march 09.foto by r. kenvin
dc + carl ekstrom with some of carl’s new prototypes. (finless) san diego, may 12,2009
note tail and fin placement
worldwide rebranding of western union, samsung, master card werk
master card werk
suicidegirls brochure
samsung broadcast
le book/connections conference. design:dc
dc, kgb, mini-simmons, (the swift movement) march 28,09′ frame grab by ant
del mar email check zone.
luci bd,bark pb,swift M-s.
dc’s newold lc.
luci explores the land cruiser.
tortola wheels.
dc transport in switzerland
david was part of the worldwide rebranding of western union. 2009.
cougar paper promotion
pre christmas follybeach
pre christmas follybeach