n e w s :
david has been invited to judge the D+AD awards in london this spring,’11,
celebrating the best worldwide design and advertising for ’10.
following recent lectures in nyc + phil.(PENN) next up: argentina+new zealand, vancouver.
davids exhibition in PARIS , spring 2011
watch for dc’s new
TVcommerical,as CD,
for B.headphones
davids recently designed architecture book,
PATTERNS by p.anderson+d.salomon (Harvard, Cornell)
is now available at better book stores.
david has been invited to judge the D+AD awards in london this spring,’11,
celebrating the best worldwide design and advertising for ’10.
following recent lectures in nyc + phil.(PENN) next up: argentina+new zealand, vancouver.
davids exhibition in PARIS , spring 2011
watch for dc’s new
TVcommerical,as CD,
for B.headphones
davids recently designed architecture book,
PATTERNS by p.anderson+d.salomon (Harvard, Cornell)
is now available at better book stores.
David’s design of the first cover of blue magazine
was selected as one of the “best 40 covers over the past 40 years”