detail done for collage for movie “addicted to love” in which meg ryan builds a large collage where she lives. i actually built the collage. it was great to get out from behind the computer and work on this large wall, trying to interpret her charachter,
MGM studio: first web site, for mgm studios, hollywood. MGM website Carson’s first internet design (with Christa Skinner). A heavily graphic/typographic redesign for a relaunch of the MGM site. This aimed to improve the appeal and the functionality of the site (MGM’s website had hitherto been ranked very poorly). By using mostly colour and type, the pages require small digital files and come up quickly, besides being easy and quick to read. Carson was frustrated by the early “intermediate” stage of internet program technology, which provides requirements not unlike the restrictions of letterpress printing, with its boxing up of elements (but lacks the tactile virtues). “In a couple of years we will be able to do pretty much what we want, so I’m not that keen to get hooked up with the current ‘rules’ of what you can and can’t do on the web.” Initially, the site was for MGM/United Artists, but at a late stage it had to be revised to be solely MGM. Produced through 3bits Communications.
http://www.mariscal.com/ to see a pic of him diligently working. not shown; he and his hosts lunching and enjoying a glass of wine(or two) on the patio.
he’ll be collaborating with javier mariscal (studio mariscal) in the design of all graphics and signage, as well as an elaborate in-room interactive tv system, for the gran hotel which serves as the main hotel for the frank gehry designed guggenheim museum in bilbao. he also visited the gallery space at museo del contemporeano in castellon, spain, where an exhibition of his work is planned.
david’s currently working out of his malibu office, and will be going to new orleans later this month to continue working on the new dvd and live cd project with nine inch nails. later in september he will travel back to the new york office, before opening an office in the caribbean on november 1st.
look for three of david’s pieces in the upcoming print design annual, as well as a 60 page photo essay for metropolis magazine’s new book , ”design is:…”
DAVIDCARSON’S all over the place again schedule of events for fall 2001.
currently scheduled events include:
on september 12th and 13th carson will speak in panama to two universities: the usma and la nacional, he returns to the u.s., to alabama, the university of montevallo on september 18th and 19th .
carson travels to norway where he will be a guest lecturer at the eDIT 5.0 design conference on the 29th of sept., then on to finland and then on to paris to attend the opening of his 5 storefront window display designs for “Le printemps” .
Lectures in october and november include the portfolio center in atlanta, universities in puerto rico, the ADAC in sacramento, the columbus school of art and design, george brown university in toronto, watkins college in nashville, florida state university and david has been invited to be part of the judging for PANL (photographers association of the netherlands) in amsterdam in november, as well as conducting a poster workshop in cape town, south africa.
carson is working closely with quiksilver, evolution surfboards, to work with the marshall mcluen estate and nine inch nails.
he is also designing a special issue of BIG magazine due out next spring. his collaboration with marshall mcluen, probes, will be out this winter, followed by his new design book, TREK.
he continues to collaborate with frank lloyd wright’s daughter, elizabeth wright, on a film on architecture, and is being represented for film and broadcast design by digital kitchen (seattle, chicago, california).
and if you’re in europe, be sure to check out the new 90 second pro cigarette smoking commercials playing in movie theaters throughout europe, (reportedly 30 versions!) designed by attik, who asked that we pass along that they will also have another book out this fall, but, the new book will “unfortunately” not show their recent cigarette commercials……