archive: news-0111: immediately following the events of september 11, few things seemed more
unimportant and meaningless than doing graphic design. (well maybe
WRITING about graphic design).
but as time passes it is important to again do what one loves and is passionate about, and hopefully
find ways to help make the world a little better place to be in. grafik design DID determine the
outcome of our last presidential election, while groups like attik use it to help promote cigerette smoking.
only YOU can decide where YOU draw the line…-dc
dc is designing a new book collaborating with many artists, writers, musicians that deals with
peace in our world. proceeds to help the wtc relief fund. more details soon as various contributors
are confirmed.
david’s collaboration with marshall mcluhan”the book of probes”( gingko press, 640 pages..)
release has been pushed back to early spring, so that all the different language versions can be
released at the same time, including japanese, spanish, and german to name a few.
david’s own new book trek, will also be released in late spring.
david took a break from lecturing for awhile after sept 11, but decided it was time to return, and
spoke first to a sold out, standing room only crowd at F.I.T. in new york. he also spoke for the art
directors club of sacramento, california, where he premiered some new work dealing with sept 11
and the media. recent talks included the watkins college of art and design in tennessee, and flori-
da state university. david will be judging a photography exhibition in amsterdam later this month, as
well as lecturing in finland, the island of mallorca and puerto rico. carson has also completed the
new identity for the gran hotel that sits opposite the bilbao guggenheim museum in spain as well
as window designs for the fall fashion collection at printemps in paris.
check out davids 60 page photo essay in the new book from metropolis, called ”design is…”
work on the new dvd , and live double cd from nine inch nails, AND ALL THAT COULD HAVE
BEEN has also just been completed, utilizing david’s photographs. the dvd/cd will be in stores the
end of january , and be sure to check out the official nin website to see how to get the special
“still” cd…(not available in stores)
david continues to design for quiksilver in california, as well as evolution surfboards(wayne lynch),
and is doing a new tv end tag for xerox. he is also designing a new issue of BIG magazine that is
due out in may…
david will again be judging the online flash film festival in barcelona this spring , and also lecturing
and exhibiting in vienna.
and dc is happy to report he’s already had 5 ”classic” days surfing this fall at his home break in the
note: since this letter newsletter was first composed, another plane crashed in new york, and
davids new york apartment was gutted by fire, a total loss.