archive: news-0301: david will be speaking at the TED conference on february 28th
he will be speaking about emotion in design.
also: upcoming lectures and or workshops:
puerto rico
san francisco(march 3rd)
moscow(early summer)
austria(spring. workshop)
ottawa, canada (spring)
slovenia(spring, workshop)
nyc(society of magazine designers.may03.
nyc school of visual arts (workshop) july 03
probes, david s book with marshal mcluhan, is finally ready for the
trek, davids 4th book, is near completion.
surf culture:the art history of surfing” designed by dc is available thru
david is currently recuperating from a ruptured ear drum suffered while surfing in front of his carribean home the day
before the last day of the year.

archive: news-0211: “the end of print: the graphic design of david carson” is now available in chinese. as well as
the 250 page book, surf culture: the art history of surfing designed by dc, now available from gingko press
check out (and register!) the new site david worked on,
Also: check out the newest issue of BIG magazine david designed.
the 250 page book, surf culture: the art history of surfing designed by dc, now available from gingko press
check out (and register!) the new site david worked on,
Also: check out the newest issue of BIG magazine david designed.
archive: news-0206: david has just finished designing the summer issue of BIG magazine. check it out in late july or early august at better newsstands worldwide. also watch for david’s “the book of probes” gingkopress
with marshall mcluhan (gingko press) out early fall. david is putting the final touches on TREK, gingkopress
his latest grafik design book. look for a new quiksilver campaign this fall, as david continues to design their ads and various products for the surfwear company.
david has just finished designing a 240 book for the laguna art museum, to coincide with their exhibition
SURF CULTURE: the art history of surfing.
a new web magazine, “the mixture”, will beup this fall featuring davids design and input.
And pick up the latest nine inch nails DVD to see davids navigational work.
Recent lectures include a sold out standing room only gig in portland oregon, that -despite the AIGA refusing to help out with the event -sponsored by the northwest college of art,and plasm magazine, drew over 600 people.
recent sold out lectures also included”the art institute of pittsburgh” (also snubbed by the local aiga leadership, and also sold out), the school of visual arts in nyc, the art directors club in new brunswick canada, and sao paulo , brazil. david also
judged this years art directors club awards held in new york city.
coming up this september and october include lectures/workshops in slovenia,
london, and helsinki.
also: check out the design workshops david is giving in august and september in florida at the aca.
david will be working out of the malibu studio this summer, and will be opening a branch office in charleston south carolina in the fall.(both charleston +malibu offices are looking for interns-entry level positions) the primary office remains in new york, (with a winter branch in tortola). all for now. have a, no actually MAKE, a great summer. dcd nyc,
with marshall mcluhan (gingko press) out early fall. david is putting the final touches on TREK, gingkopress
his latest grafik design book. look for a new quiksilver campaign this fall, as david continues to design their ads and various products for the surfwear company.
david has just finished designing a 240 book for the laguna art museum, to coincide with their exhibition
SURF CULTURE: the art history of surfing.
a new web magazine, “the mixture”, will beup this fall featuring davids design and input.
And pick up the latest nine inch nails DVD to see davids navigational work.
Recent lectures include a sold out standing room only gig in portland oregon, that -despite the AIGA refusing to help out with the event -sponsored by the northwest college of art,and plasm magazine, drew over 600 people.
recent sold out lectures also included”the art institute of pittsburgh” (also snubbed by the local aiga leadership, and also sold out), the school of visual arts in nyc, the art directors club in new brunswick canada, and sao paulo , brazil. david also
judged this years art directors club awards held in new york city.
coming up this september and october include lectures/workshops in slovenia,
london, and helsinki.
also: check out the design workshops david is giving in august and september in florida at the aca.
david will be working out of the malibu studio this summer, and will be opening a branch office in charleston south carolina in the fall.(both charleston +malibu offices are looking for interns-entry level positions) the primary office remains in new york, (with a winter branch in tortola). all for now. have a, no actually MAKE, a great summer. dcd nyc,