Toronto 05
hey dave,
i was just at your workshop yesterday,(one of the guys who went to pizza with you at lunch…the one with the tattoos) and i forgot to bring a logo that i designed for myself to be critiqued. i’d appreciate it if you could tell me what you think/give some feedback. (i’ve attached it) also i really enjoyed your workshop. eventhough it wasn’t the full two days, i felt like i got everything that i wanted to get out of it. i also had a fun time. it also got me thinking about school, and what to take from it. i feel like i can create much more creative things for projects now, even if we ‘have’ to use a grid. maybe you could come and talk at our college some time. (it’s algonquin college, in ottawa ontario.)
anyway, thanks alot
-dave sept 05′
ps. i also made those changes that you suggested to my work, because i am not handing it in until wednesday. it looks alot better.

Thanks for a great day at the Toronto workshop. It was great to trade eyes with someone whose style is such a polar opposite to mine.
I was the fellow who talked about differences between Germany and USA etc.
My site is at
… all very neat and organized! ;)
Looking forward to exploring the frontiers of simple and exciting, not simple and boring.
Surf’s up!
ps – i forgot to mention, next time you are in Toronto you must buy music at Soundscapes (572 College Street)
…and ring me up for a beer
thanx 4 replying
well I’m actually from saudi arabia and at the moment I’m studying visual communication in dubai. i think its cool that at the midst of all this political bs happening between americans and arabs, two people can make a connection based on art and respect. i think that if both sides would open their eyes, and minds they would realize that we are more alike than we think. and actually celebrate our differences insted of kill eachother over them. ahhhhhhh…i could go on but i wont. our cynical world it seems has no more room idealism.
so back to business, i liked the short clip u had posted on your site. did u ever think of making kind of like an experimental dvd…kind of with the same ideas of your books? like a videobook? i don’t even know what that means.

although a little slow in responding to you, i was prompted to email after seeing my face ..and laura’s face on your website from the toronto workshop. wow, what an honour!
i would like to say a great big thank you for an amazing and extremely inspiring day for us (we are the 2 sitting eagerly on the front row!). it was a HUGELY significant time of envisioning and has evoked dormant dreams to surface again.
thank you for providing creative direction and your feedback of our work was truly welcomed.
so much so, i have just returned from new orleans, helping out with disaster relief. i was able to document my time and be inspired by the paradox of seeing visual beauty in amongst such huge devastation.
yours very much inspired, jo nov.1,2005


(CNN) — Cindy Sheehan, the California mother who became an anti-war leader after her son was killed in Iraq, declared Monday she was walking away from the peace movement.
She said her son died “for nothing.”
“I have tried ever since he died to make his sacrifice meaningful,” she wrote. “Casey died for a country which cares more about who will be the next American Idol than how many people will be killed in the next few months while Democrats and Republicans play politics with human lives.


david designed two posters for the Helvetica movie.
he used the font FRANKLIN GOTHIC.
(very few people got the joke.) (

order info,