Hi David,
I have been a big fan of yours for years and now I finally saw you on TED. You are funny and charming in a way I could never guess. What I wanna know is how did you do it? What ever you want without boundaries. That’s what it seems to me. How, how , how? I’m going crazy at 41 as a freelancer and feeling stuck. I know it has to do with nerve and self belief. Feels buried.
I was going to start my letter with “I think I love you”, the song lyrics but I didn’t want you to think I’m the stalker type. Never had an idol, ever. Catholic girl, was. However, I am prompted by working with someone who is helping me with my branding and my assignment is to seek out and ask for the magical answers. Do you have them?
So, I have your book 2nd sight signed by you in 2000. You sent it to me because it was out of print. I sent you a thank you card with some scribbling. I’m sure you have a million fans but now I wish I was the only one!! Ha, ha.
When are you coming to the midwest? Ever, ever? Can I come for a visit??
Jun 2, 2009 7:22 PM



david, mini simmons quad, march 28,’09.
foto by graham gurney


Guardian Gives Shape To Obama’s Words

RE: guardian cover poster.
with this poster you feel that this guy is really really different you can almost touch the “change”
it’s different from all the other posters with there bright colors and the promise that everything is gonna be just fine !!
you are different MR Carson
that’s what i love about you
-Ahmed Galal wrote at 10:39am, 01.19.09


Hi David
I have no idea if you’ll get this, I got your email out of the End Of Print book (which says it was published in 2000) which was 9 years ago, so weather you still use this email or not, time will tell.
I am mainly emailing you to send a note of admiration, and considering your a famous and I’m assuming, very busy designer I shall try and keep this short and sweet.
I am quite a fan of Nine Inch Nails. I’ve liked a lot of the earlier work for years now. I have been studying graphic art and graphic design for the past 3 years now, though I have been working as a freelancer for many other years, however I have learned that after looking back, my knowledge of designers was quite limited, and the sheer fact I did not know anything about one of the worlds most famous designers (you) was quite laughable. I am pleased to say that after doing some research on you for an assignment, I am pleasantly surprised to find you were behind the imagery for the very NIN album I loved (The Fragile)
Design work like yours has greatly influenced and inspired my own directions and has opened my eyes to new possibilities (and design rules to break) and I just want to thank you for inspiring so many of us designers and budding designers.
I won’t use up any more of your time, I just feel the need when I have the opportunity, to send a note of admiration to the designers and artists that have influenced and inspired me.
I wish you the very best for your future and and hope you continue to inspire many more designers in the future (without them trying to emulate or copy your style directly of course)
All the best
march 22.


david has made and donated this mixed media piece to the surfriders foundations
upcoming gala + auction. go here to see all the work and maybe bid on davids : )
title: Teahupo’o