MGM studio: first web site, for mgm studios, hollywood. MGM website Carson’s first internet design (with Christa Skinner). A heavily graphic/typographic redesign for a relaunch of the MGM site. This aimed to improve the appeal and the functionality of the site (MGM’s website had hitherto been ranked very poorly). By using mostly colour and type, the pages require small digital files and come up quickly, besides being easy and quick to read. Carson was frustrated by the early “intermediate” stage of internet program technology, which provides requirements not unlike the restrictions of letterpress printing, with its boxing up of elements (but lacks the tactile virtues). “In a couple of years we will be able to do pretty much what we want, so I’m not that keen to get hooked up with the current ‘rules’ of what you can and can’t do on the web.” Initially, the site was for MGM/United Artists, but at a late stage it had to be revised to be solely MGM. Produced through 3bits Communications.