“GOING, GOING…” -carve
Ten leading artists, designer and musicians have joined forces to put on an exhibition of surfboard art to raise money for SAS.
They ‘ve each painted a full-size longboard, and the resulting artworks will go on show around the country in an exhibition called ‘longlife’, in collaboration with Oxbow UK.
The ten contributors include contemporary artist Damien Hirst, cartoonist Jamie Hewlett (who created Tank Girl and Gorillaz), graffitti artist Banksy, big-wave legend Laird Hamilton, comedian and actor Paul Kaye (aka Dennis Pennis), rock bands A and The Aphex Twin, and graphic designer David Carson (who helped create Raygun and Beach Culture, and revamped Surfer Magazine in the early ’90s).
At the end of the tour the boards will be auctioned, with all the proceeds going to the SAS campaign for clean seas. Some of the artworks are expected to fetch phenomenal prices; a painting by Damien Hirst on canvas, similar to board design he’s contributed, recently fetched £84,000.
The board were shaped by Chops Lascelles at the Laminations factoly in Cornwall and they’re all fully functional mals…although their eventual owners are unlikely to be jetting off to Hawaii with them.
The launch party of the exhibition was held at the Spitz Gallery in London in April, and the tour will visit six other galleries before winding up the closing party in Newquay in August. -SB
1-12 May Spitz Gallery, London Spitalfields Market,109 Commercial Street, London
15-22 May The Department Store Gallery, Manchester, 61 Thomas Street, Manchester
27-30 may The Workstation, Sheffield, Paternoster Rows, Sheffields
4-12 June Roadmender Gallery, Northampton, 1 Lady’s Lane, Northampton
18-25 June Plymouth Arts Centre, 38 Looe Street, Plymouth
11-15 July BAG Gallery, Brighton, 108a Dyke Road, Seven Dials Junction, Brighton
26 July-2 Aug Spacex Gallery, Exeter, 45 Preston Street, Exeter
16 Aug Closing party, Newquay The Koola Bar, Beach Road, Newquay
* to bid on David’s Surf Board go to: http://www.oxbow-longlife.com/ AUCTION section