“he changed the public face of graphic design” -newsweek
“the art director of the era” creative review london
“the most important work coming out of america” american center for design
“the most influential graphic designer of our times” surfrider foundation, july ’09
“He significantly influenced a generation to embrace typography as an expressive medium”
- steven heller 2010
“our biggest star” AIGA(american institute of graphic arts)
“the greatest living graphic designer..” -brain pickings, feb. 12, 2012
“..he feels the work..there’s a strong element of intuition — and that fits because sometimes you can’t describe why his work is so beautiful.”
– Hillman Curtis
Graphic Design USA magazine(NYC) listed the “Most influential graphic designers of the era” David was listed as one of the top 5 most influential designers, along with Milton Glaser, Paul Rand, Saul Bass and Massimo Vignelli.
‘ Innovator, pioneer, groundbreaker, gamechanger – Carson deserves them all ‘–mark cameron/Fotorator may, 1, 2012
What David Carson committed himself to was reading culture as it existed in technological frameworks that altered visual communication and short-circuited longstanding traditions of design and typography in order to fuse them to new and indifferent mediums that were no less effective in making their points.
spoke at FIT
“the art director of the era” creative review london
“the most important work coming out of america” american center for design
“the most influential graphic designer of our times” surfrider foundation, july ’09
“He significantly influenced a generation to embrace typography as an expressive medium”
- steven heller 2010
“our biggest star” AIGA(american institute of graphic arts)
“the greatest living graphic designer..” -brain pickings, feb. 12, 2012
“..he feels the work..there’s a strong element of intuition — and that fits because sometimes you can’t describe why his work is so beautiful.”
– Hillman Curtis
Graphic Design USA magazine(NYC) listed the “Most influential graphic designers of the era” David was listed as one of the top 5 most influential designers, along with Milton Glaser, Paul Rand, Saul Bass and Massimo Vignelli.
‘ Innovator, pioneer, groundbreaker, gamechanger – Carson deserves them all ‘–mark cameron/Fotorator may, 1, 2012
What David Carson committed himself to was reading culture as it existed in technological frameworks that altered visual communication and short-circuited longstanding traditions of design and typography in order to fuse them to new and indifferent mediums that were no less effective in making their points.
DC, april 28, 2012 : http://spiffingdesign.com/2012/spiffing-artists-david-carson/
“I’ll never forget when I asked David to speak at FIT and he agreed. The best way to relate is to quote what they said that when Aeschines spoke the people said, “How well he speaks”; but when Demosthenes spoke, they said, “Let us march!” Truly an inspiration and a great communicator” August 20, 2008
1st Staz Tsiavos, Student, Fashion Institute of Technology,
studied width David at spoke at FIT
1st Staz Tsiavos, Student, Fashion Institute of Technology,
studied width David at spoke at FIT
go here and vote! http://dvdcrsn.artistswanted.org/yr2011
dcd spring ’12 NEWZ:
_david recently illustrated a piece for the nytimes op–ed page.
_david just completed the frt.page web design for a division of Omega.
_david is working on the deluxe re-release version of the NIN “the fragile”
_upcoming lectures/workshops in sweden, norway,wales, jarkata, argentina and spain. moscow.
_new book just waiting for david to finish the captions…
david will be judging the LONDON FILMfestival this fall, ’12, as well as presenting his work.